工作场所健康 – 工作表 – I

工作场所健康 – 工作表 – I


工作表是在一个数字系统上设计的,其中每个部分都有一个特定的分数。回答完问卷后,员工应该将每个部分的分数相加,直到他们得到最终结果。第一列、第二列和第三列的分数分别标记为T1、T2、T3。该表的总分 Total = T1 &plus T2 &plus T3


Smoking-related Actions 圈出合适的分数
I avoid smoking cigarettes 4 1 0
I avoid pipes and cigars 2 1 0
I avoid spit tobacco. 2 1 0
I avoid passive smoking 2 1 0
Total = T1 &plus T2 &plus T3 = T1 T2 T3


Alcohol-related Actions 圈出合适的分数
I take less than 1 (women) or 2 (men) drinks daily 4 1 0
I avoid alcohol/drugs to deal with stress 2 1 0
I avoid alcohol during medications or pregnancies. 2 1 0
I follow directions with over-the-counter drugs. 2 1 0
Total = T1 &plus T2 &plus T3 = T1 T2 T3


Nutrition-related issues 圈出合适的分数
I eat variety of foods as calorie intake 3 1 0
I limit saturated fat and trans fat in diet. 3 1 0
I avoid skipping meals. 2 1 0
I limit salt and sugar in diet 2 1 0
Total = T1 &plus T2 &plus T3 = T1 T2 T3


Smoking-related Actions 圈出合适的分数
I do weekly moderate-intensity exercises. 4 1 0
I maintain a healthy weight. 2 1 0
I do weekly exercise for muscular strength 2 1 0
I spend leisure time in physical activities 2 1 0
Total = T1 &plus T2 &plus T3 = T1 T2 T3


Emotional Health Activities 圈出合适的分数
I have a job that I like 2 1 0
I can relax and express my feelings easily 2 1 0
I handle stress well. 2 1 0
I can share personal matters with friends 2 1 0
I can easily participate in group activities 2 1 0
Total = T1 &plus T2 &plus T3 = T1 T2 T3


Safety Activities 圈出合适的分数
I wear safety belt while driving 2 1 0
I don’t drive under influence of drugs/ liquor 2 1 0
I obey traffic rules and speed limit 2 1 0
I read precautions for using appliances 2 1 0
I don’t use cell phone while driving. 2 1 0
Total = T1 &plus T2 &plus T3 = T1 T2 T3


Disease Prevention Activities 圈出合适的分数
I know warning signals of heart attack, stroke. 2 1 0
I avoid over-exposing my skin to the sun 2 1 0
I get medical screening for blood pressure 2 1 0
I practice regular self-exams for cancer 2 1 0
Total = T1 &plus T2 &plus T3 = T1 T2 T3


9 and 10 你知道健康在生活中的重要性
6 and 8 你的健康状况良好还有改善的空间
3 and 5 您的健康风险很高
0 and 2 风险处于危险水平!


点个广告表达一下你的爱意吧 !😁