情节 – 传奇
情节 – 传奇
默认情况下,具有多条轨迹的 Plotly 图表会自动显示图例。如果它只有一条迹线,则不会自动显示。要显示,请将Layout 对象的showlegend参数设置为 True。
layout = go.Layoyt(showlegend = True)
在以下示例中,绘制了两个具有 name 属性的散点轨迹。
import numpy as np import math #needed for definition of pi xpoints = np.arange(0, math.pi*2, 0.05) y1 = np.sin(xpoints) y2 = np.cos(xpoints) trace0 = go.Scatter( x = xpoints, y = y1, name='Sine' ) trace1 = go.Scatter( x = xpoints, y = y2, name = 'cos' ) data = [trace0, trace1] layout = go.Layout(title = "Sine and cos", xaxis = {'title':'angle'}, yaxis = {'title':'value'}) fig = go.Figure(data = data, layout = layout) iplot(fig)
该图如下所示 –