Nornir 处理器



  1. 由于其基于事件的性质,您可以异步处理事件。这意味着您将在host完成后立即处理host的结果,而无需等待其余host完成。
  2. 因为您正在使用事件代码,所以代码更简洁,更容易理解。


from typing import Dict

from nornir import InitNornir

nr = InitNornir(config_file="config.yaml")


# note that these imports are only needed if you are annotating your code with types
from typing import Dict

from nornir.core import Nornir
from nornir.core.inventory import Host
from nornir.core.task import AggregatedResult, MultiResult, Result, Task

class PrintResult:
    def task_started(self, task: Task) -> None:
        print(f">>> starting: {}")

    def task_completed(self, task: Task, result: AggregatedResult) -> None:
        print(f">>> completed: {}")

    def task_instance_started(self, task: Task, host: Host) -> None:

    def task_instance_completed(
        self, task: Task, host: Host, result: MultiResult
    ) -> None:
        print(f"  - {}: - {result.result}")

    def subtask_instance_started(self, task: Task, host: Host) -> None:
        pass  # to keep example short and sweet we ignore subtasks

    def subtask_instance_completed(
        self, task: Task, host: Host, result: MultiResult
    ) -> None:
        pass  # to keep example short and sweet we ignore subtasks


class SaveResultToDict:
    def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, None]) -> None: = data

    def task_started(self, task: Task) -> None:[] = {}[]["started"] = True

    def task_completed(self, task: Task, result: AggregatedResult) -> None:[]["completed"] = True

    def task_instance_started(self, task: Task, host: Host) -> None:[][] = {"started": True}

    def task_instance_completed(
        self, task: Task, host: Host, result: MultiResult
    ) -> None:[][] = {
            "completed": True,
            "result": result.result,

    def subtask_instance_started(self, task: Task, host: Host) -> None:
        pass  # to keep example short and sweet we ignore subtasks

    def subtask_instance_completed(
        self, task: Task, host: Host, result: MultiResult
    ) -> None:
        pass  # to keep example short and sweet we ignore subtasks


def greeter(task: Task, greet: str) -> Result:
    return Result(, result=f"{greet}! my name is {}")



data = {}  # this is the dictionary where SaveResultToDict will store the information

# similary to .filter, with_processors returns a copy of the nornir object but with
# the processors assigned to it. Let's now use the method to assign both processors
nr_with_processors = nr.with_processors([SaveResultToDict(data), PrintResult()])

# now we can use nr_with_processors to execute our greeter task
>>> starting: hi!
  - host1.cmh: - hi! my name is host1.cmh
  - host2.cmh: - hi! my name is host2.cmh
  - spine00.cmh: - hi! my name is spine00.cmh
  - spine01.cmh: - hi! my name is spine01.cmh  - leaf00.cmh: - hi! my name is leaf00.cmh
  - leaf01.cmh: - hi! my name is leaf01.cmh

  - host1.bma: - hi! my name is host1.bma
  - host2.bma: - hi! my name is host2.bma
  - spine00.bma: - hi! my name is spine00.bma
  - spine01.bma: - hi! my name is spine01.bma
  - leaf00.bma: - hi! my name is leaf00.bma
  - leaf01.bma: - hi! my name is leaf01.bma
>>> completed: hi!
>>> starting: bye!
  - host1.cmh: - bye! my name is host1.cmh
  - host2.cmh: - bye! my name is host2.cmh
  - spine00.cmh: - bye! my name is spine00.cmh
  - spine01.cmh: - bye! my name is spine01.cmh
  - leaf00.cmh: - bye! my name is leaf00.cmh
  - leaf01.cmh: - bye! my name is leaf01.cmh
  - host1.bma: - bye! my name is host1.bma
  - host2.bma: - bye! my name is host2.bma
  - spine00.bma: - bye! my name is spine00.bma
  - spine01.bma: - bye! my name is spine01.bma
  - leaf00.bma: - bye! my name is leaf00.bma
  - leaf01.bma: - bye! my name is leaf01.bma
>>> completed: bye!
AggregatedResult (bye!): {'host1.cmh': MultiResult: [Result: "bye!"], 'host2.cmh': MultiResult: [Result: "bye!"], 'spine00.cmh': MultiResult: [Result: "bye!"], 'spine01.cmh': MultiResult: [Result: "bye!"], 'leaf00.cmh': MultiResult: [Result: "bye!"], 'leaf01.cmh': MultiResult: [Result: "bye!"], 'host1.bma': MultiResult: [Result: "bye!"], 'host2.bma': MultiResult: [Result: "bye!"], 'spine00.bma': MultiResult: [Result: "bye!"], 'spine01.bma': MultiResult: [Result: "bye!"], 'leaf00.bma': MultiResult: [Result: "bye!"], 'leaf01.bma': MultiResult: [Result: "bye!"]}



import json
print(json.dumps(data, indent=4))
    "hi!": {
        "started": true,
        "host1.cmh": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "hi! my name is host1.cmh"
        "host2.cmh": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "hi! my name is host2.cmh"
        "spine00.cmh": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "hi! my name is spine00.cmh"
        "spine01.cmh": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "hi! my name is spine01.cmh"
        "leaf00.cmh": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "hi! my name is leaf00.cmh"
        "leaf01.cmh": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "hi! my name is leaf01.cmh"
        "host1.bma": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "hi! my name is host1.bma"
        "host2.bma": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "hi! my name is host2.bma"
        "spine00.bma": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "hi! my name is spine00.bma"
        "spine01.bma": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "hi! my name is spine01.bma"
        "leaf00.bma": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "hi! my name is leaf00.bma"
        "leaf01.bma": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "hi! my name is leaf01.bma"
        "completed": true
    "bye!": {
        "started": true,
        "host1.cmh": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "bye! my name is host1.cmh"
        "host2.cmh": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "bye! my name is host2.cmh"
        "spine00.cmh": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "bye! my name is spine00.cmh"
        "spine01.cmh": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "bye! my name is spine01.cmh"
        "leaf00.cmh": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "bye! my name is leaf00.cmh"
        "leaf01.cmh": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "bye! my name is leaf01.cmh"
        "host1.bma": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "bye! my name is host1.bma"
        "host2.bma": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "bye! my name is host2.bma"
        "spine00.bma": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "bye! my name is spine00.bma"
        "spine01.bma": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "bye! my name is spine01.bma"
        "leaf00.bma": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "bye! my name is leaf00.bma"
        "leaf01.bma": {
            "completed": true,
            "result": "bye! my name is leaf01.bma"
        "completed": true




  1. 将事件发送到Slack / IRC / logging_system
  2. 让用户知道发生了什么事,而不必等待所有host的完成(如果您有很多设备,尤其有趣)
  3. 如果给定task失败,则寻呼某人/引发警报
  4. 等等…


点个广告表达一下你的爱意吧 !😁